Daily Price Outlook

    On October 12, Gold (XAU/USD) exhibited a positive trajectory, registering a modest 0.31% gain to settle at $1,878.9 as reflected in the 4-hour chart. A broader analysis reveals the pivot point for the precious metal anchored at $1,831.

    In terms of resistance barriers, the first immediate hurdle stands at $1,851, followed closely by $1,869 and a more formidable barrier at $1,890. On the support end, Gold finds a preliminary cushion at $1,813, with deeper anchors set at $1,792 and further down at $1,774.

    Technical indicators are pointing toward the bullish side. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) registers a value of 76, which is indicative of overbought conditions. This often signals a strong buying trend, but traders should exercise caution as it may also hint at potential pullbacks. The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) portrays an upward momentum, with the MACD line at 1.59 crossing above its signal line, which stands at 9.8. Furthermore, Gold is currently trading above its 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA), which is priced at $1,856, further emphasizing a short-term bullish trend.

    In conclusion, the prevailing sentiment for Gold remains bullish, especially as the metal maintains its position above the $1,863 mark. If XAU/USD manages to break through the $1,880 resistance level, we could witness a heightened buying trend. The ongoing scenario presents a robust case for Gold's positive momentum, although investors and traders are advised to monitor key technical benchmarks and remain vigilant to potential shifts in the market landscape.

    GOLD Price Chart – Source: Tradingview
    GOLD Price Chart – Source: Tradingview

    GOLD (XAU/USD) - Trade Idea

    Entry Price – Buy Limit 1875

    Take Profit – 1894

    Stop Loss – 1858

    Risk to Reward – 1: 1.2

    Profit & Loss Per Standard Lot = +$1900/ -$1700

    Profit & Loss Per Micro Lot = +$190/ -$170



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